May 10, 2020
How is EVERYONE??!! From all over the world??!! I hope you are all fine! I have been thinking a lot about everyone and I miss everyone! I thought it would be a great time to try to meet up online again! It’s been quite an incredible, unbelievable time, something that none of us have ever been through in our entire lives, yet something which we are all experiencing simultaneously at different levels, at different times as a collective WHOLE! I have always been reading that all humans, creatures, and nature on this Planet is considered as ONE WHOLE BEING, all connected at every level, and I didn’t quite understand this at all, until recently, until NOW. This is now so very true at every angle we view it. Everything we do, say or act, is a collaborated force of energy, and we are all affected as a collective WHOLE. So it is important that what we do or say will be a KIND & Compassionate consideration for the collective whole, for the GREATER GOOD of this Earth, for all of the living beings on this planet, including ourselves, the innocent animals & creatures whom share our precious space, and caring for our outer environment as well as our inner environment!
I hope to have a video chat with all of you about this and I hope you can all give us your questions, or any topics U want to talk about if you like, and to make it possible to see how everyone is doing, give each other lots of LOVE and good wishes for this treasure time we are given to practice and find our best selves and how we can benefit ourselves, each other, and this world collectively!
My time is pretty flexible now so I can meet you all around 2:00PM after lunch, or after 9:00PM for a 2 to 3 hour chat however long you would like it to be! Hahaha.. Everyday except for Tuesdays is fine so I hope we will gather everyone’s time and questions together and then make a date about 2 weeks later or so?
I really hope you are all coping well and being able to take this quiet time to fully think about what your purpose might be in this lifetime. We all have a purpose.. and we are supposed to find it. Life is SO PRECIOUS and we need to do all we can to help ourselves and help others as I have always emphasized.. Helping others can just be offering support, or listening to them, or giving them you’re GOOD & Positive energy.. and creating our own good and positive energy while practicing the Act of doing good deeds. I also want to talk about TAP as ThinkActPOSITVE is not just a call to think positive but to actually BE positive and what that really means! I will have to practice it myself too! So I will wait for your feedback and I hope to get all my fans and friends from all over the Asian region or anywhere else anyone has time in the World as we ALL NEED LOTS OF LOVE and BIG BEAR HUGS NOW!! Looking forward to hearing from everyone!!!!
Hello Fans and Friends!!!
來自世界各地的大家好嗎??!!希望你們一切都好!我經常想到大家,想念每個人!現在是我們在網上見面的好時機!現在是一段令人難以置信的時光,我們正在體驗著一生中從未有過的經歷。作為共同的整體,我們在不同的程度上,不同的時間裡,同時經歷著這一切!我一直有讀到,這個星球上的所有人,生物和自然本身是一個整體,在各個層面上相互聯繫,但直到最近,直到現在,我才完全對這一點感同身受。現在,無論從哪個角度來看,它確是如此。我們所做的一切事情,無論講了什麼話或採取了什麼行動,都具有一種協作的能量,而我們作為一個整體都會受到影響。因此,重要的是,我們做的事情或講的話需要對這個共同的整體抱有善意和同理心,要為地球這個整體更好的發展,為地球上的所有生靈 —— 為我們自己,以及那些和我們共享這個寶貴空間的無辜的動物和生物考慮,要關心我們的外部環境和內在環境!
我最近的時間表蠻靈活的,在午餐後2:00 PM或晚上9:00 PM之後我應該都可以見大家,進行2到3個小時的聊天,或者無論大家希望多長時間!哈哈哈.. 除星期二外,其他日期也應該可以,大家可以提議下哪個時間對更多的人比較方便,我們也會收集大家的問題或者討論話題,然後在2週後約個時間。
我衷心希望大家都能夠很好地應對當下,並利用這段安靜的時間來充分思考這一生各自想達成的目標。我們都有各自的目標和生存意義,應該去努力找到它。生命是如此的珍貴,我們需要竭盡所能來幫助自己和他人,就像我一直強調的那樣。幫助他人可以只是提供支持,傾聽他人的心聲,或者給予他們良好的正能量, 並在實踐善行的同時創造自己的積極能量內核。我還想談一談TAP,因為ThinkActPOSITVE不僅是呼籲積極正面思考,其實更是要成為積極正面的人,而這從根本上指的是什麼也很值得探討!我自己也必須不斷學習練習!我將等待你們的反饋,希望所有來自亞洲地區或世界其他任何地方的粉絲們和朋友們都可以參加,因為我們現在都需要很多愛和大大的熊抱!期待大家的反饋!!!!
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