Lamusical | May 3 – 7, 2019

Hi Everyone, Friends and Fans!

Just want to Thank everyone for your support for Lam’s show! It’s been a whirlwind of time to prepare for this show and there is so much more to do! We have a great and wonderful TEAM of enormous talent and dedication working to put this show together!

Everyone is working so hard and Lam is preparing himself fiercely! I hope you will all join us at the Coliseum to have a great time and to listen to great songs with meaning and connection to join all our hearts together! We’ll have just a BLAST TOGETHER! Can’t wait to see you all there! Counting down to May 3rd now!

Love you ALL! Thank you Alice so much for the great photos!

感謝大家對Lam演唱會的支持!現在全體工作人員如旋風般把所有時間都專注於準備這場演唱會,還有很多事要做! 我們有一個傑出的團隊,每個人都天賦秉異並極具奉獻精神,協力希望演唱會最終以最好的方式呈現給大家。

每個人都在努力工作,Lam也在做着最卓越的準備! 我希望你們都能來到紅館,享受美好時光,聆聽有意義和令彼此相聯的歌曲,讓心意抱擁在一起! 我們將一起引爆全場! 迫不及待地想見到你們! 現在開始倒數到5月3日!

愛你們! 非常感謝Alice拍的精彩照片!

With Love and Joy!!!!!!!
