Happy Belated 2016 New Year!

January 8, 2016


Dear Friends and Fans!

Happy belated 2016 New Year and an even later Merry Merry Christmassssszzzzzz!!! I had such a hectic holiday season even though I didn’t go anywhere.. just stayed in Hong Kong! I only took my photos TODAY because it was the only day I got dressed up! So hope you like my new photos with our very special Christmas tree!

We were all talking around the dinner table and someone suggested we get a TREE this year! I said aiyooo.. OK.. just a tiny little table tree cos we have no where to put one! So when they delivered a 4-foot tree instead, I was frantic! So I left the tree naked and bare cos I didn’t want to buy another box of tree ornaments to store for another year.

Lam came along and said, why do we have a naked Christmas tree.. you going to just leave it like that? He decided he will decorate it! I had gone out, but when I came home.. the tree was adorably inhabited by all the Teddy Bears given to us by our fans through the years which were big enough to fit on our beautiful Teddy Tree! I wanted to share our HAPPY tree with all of you and wish you all the Happiest NEW YEAR of 2016!!! May you all be blessed with the brightest, happiest and most wonderful year and be in GOOD HEALTH most of all!


Love You Always, Sally!!!


遲到的2016新年快樂,以及更遲的聖誕快樂!!! 我過了一個非常忙碌的假期,即使我哪裡都沒有去… 一直都在香港! 今天才發照片,因為只有今天我才打扮了一下! 所以,希望你們喜歡我和我們非常特別的聖誕樹拍的新照片!

我們在晚餐的時候聊天,有人建議今年我們應該弄一棵聖誕樹! 我說 aiyooo.. 好吧… 只弄一棵小小的擺在桌子上的那種吧,因為我們沒有地方放大的! 所以,當他們送貨上門了這棵4英尺的樹,我簡直快瘋了! 所以我就把樹光禿禿的擺在那裡了,因為不想再去買另一盒裝飾品,只用一次就又被存放起來一整年。

Lam 過來說,我們為什麼有一棵光禿禿沒有裝飾的樹… 你就想讓它這樣了嗎? 他決定要來裝飾它! 我出去了一下,但當我回家的時候… 樹上已經很可愛的住滿了泰迪熊 —— 這所有的泰迪熊都是這些年來我們的歌迷送給我們的,足夠多,剛好適合我們漂亮的泰迪樹! 我想要和大家分享這棵開心樹,並且祝你們所有人有最開心的2016新年!!! 希望你們大家會有福氣有最光明,最快樂,最精彩的一年,當然,身體健康是最重要的!!


永遠愛你們的, Sally!!!